ChooseWhy Choose This Program?

Why Study Chemistry at Goucher?

The strength of our program lies in excellent teaching, small classes, student-faculty research endeavors, student mentoring, meaningful student-faculty relationships, and departmental camaraderie. 化学课程在美国政府批准的名单上 Chemical Society (ACS). 课程设置、教员、图书馆、设备和预算 该方案符合国家标准的社会.

LearnWhat Will You Learn?

What Will You Learn?

Students with an ACS-certified degree in chemistry have a sound basis for industrial, 教育、政府和医院的化学职业. They are prepared for graduate work in organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical 化学、生物化学、材料科学等相关领域. They may also move 进入法律、医学、牙科、药学、兽医等专业学校.  Learn more

DoWhat Will You Do?

What Will You Do?

化学技术的进步一直是许多产品的核心 an integral part of modern life, including long-lasting rechargeable batteries, touch 屏幕、平板显示器、核磁共振扫描仪和轻型体育用品. Students who earn a degree in chemistry may find themselves working on one or more of these 在云顶集团和他们的职业生涯中出现的问题.

Chemistry majors gain a global perspective that enhances their course of study by participating in three-week intensive courses abroad, such as Tropical Marine Biology 在洪都拉斯罗阿坦研究所工作. 许多人还参加了一个学期的课程 在英国、哥斯达黎加或澳大利亚.


Major & Minor Program Contacts
George Greco, Department Chair化学教授:有机、无机和药物化学

Full-Time & Half-Time Faculty
Ruquia Ahmed-Schofield化学副教授:有机化学

Rebekah Gray化学助理教授:分析与环境化学

George Greco化学教授:有机、无机和药物化学

Judith R. Levine生物与化学教授:生物化学与分子生物学

Kevin P. Schultz,化学副教授,有机化学

Verónica A. Segarra生物科学与化学副教授、特聘教授

Jaired Tate, 化学助理教授

Esther J. Gibbs,化学教授:无机和生物无机化学

David E. 霍恩,化学教授:有机化学

Barton L. 豪斯曼,化学教授:物理化学

Instructional Staff
Lisa gullian,化学实验室协调员

Study Abroad

By choosing three-week intensive courses led by Goucher faculty or semester programs suited to their academic plans, chemistry 学生获得全球视野,提高他们的学习课程.

Three-week intensive courses are an excellent opportunity for chemistry majors to 追求第二兴趣或满足他们的语言要求. Popular ICAs for 近年来的化学专业有:


Spanish 130 in Alicante, Spain

The program strongly recommends that students who wish to study abroad for a semester 选修核心科学课程:


Students are encouraged to consider studying abroad in Scotland as early as the spring 他们大二的学期.

Goucher chemistry majors have recently participated in the following semester and yearlong programs:

Oxford University, England




夏季和冬季课程是化学专业的另一个热门选择. Students 最近参加了以下云顶集团赞助的暑期项目:


and several non-Goucher sponsored programs:


Torino, Italy through USAC



Please note: Programs at these universities may not be eligible for credit without prior approval. Please contact the Office of Global Education to learn more about approved study-abroad programs.

Visit the Office of Global Education website for more information.

Opportunities & Internships

Special Prizes and Awards

American Chemical Society Maryland Section Student Award for Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry

美国化学学会高分子化学奖 is awarded to the outstanding 有机化学前两个学期的学生.

The Chemical Handbook Award
The Chemical Handbook Award is given to the outstanding student in freshman chemistry.

The David E. 霍恩有机化学奖
The David E. 霍恩有机化学奖每年颁发给一名学生 by the chemistry department faculty for the most outstanding achievement in organic chemistry. 获奖者在所有三个有机球场的综合成绩最好 at Goucher. 学生还必须完成两个学期(至少6学分)。 云顶集团实验室在纯有机化学领域的研究. In the event there is no student meeting the criteria, the prize will not be awarded.

伊迪丝·福特·索勒斯纪念奖 is given to a senior majoring in chemistry who exhibits a high degree of distinction in scientific study and qualities of character 在校园活动中发挥领导作用.

The Hilda Gabrilove '48 and Dr. Janice Gabrilove Dirzulaitis化学奖
The Hilda Gabrilove '48 and Dr. Janice Gabrilove Dirzulaitis化学奖颁发 表彰在化学方面表现优异的学生.

The Jessie L. King Prize
The Jessie L. 金奖是颁发给在任何一项工作中表现突出的高年级学生的 science field included in Division III, with special consideration given to the study 哺乳动物生理学和/或微生物学.

The Louise Kelley Award
The Louise Kelley Award is made annually to a senior departmental major who has accomplished 在化学方面的杰出工作. 有计划的化学专业优先考虑 to enter the field of teaching.

米莉·比拉斯基化学奖 is presented to an outstanding junior chemistry major.

本科分析化学奖 is given annually to the student who 最有潜力从事分析化学的.

Chemistry Club

The Chemistry Club is the oldest student organization in continuous existence on the Goucher campus. 化学俱乐部的创始人更设立了化学俱乐部宴会 than sixty years ago. 学生、校友、教职员工都被邀请参加宴会, 哪一个特点是演讲嘉宾的演讲.

The club sponsors a variety of activities, including National Chemistry Week, Careers in Science Day, the Souper Supper, spring and fall picnics, a tennis tournament/party, 还有假期前的惊喜派对.

For more information, visit


Internships help students explore possibilities, apply classroom learning, and gain experience. Explore internships and credit options.

Student Employment

Student employment 为学生提供校内和校外的机会. The Career Education Office provides resources and support to students with or without Federal Work Study to find 工作,提交申请,并了解更多关于求职过程. Students have access to Handshake — a website for job postings, events, resumes/cover letters, and career management.

Major & Career Exploration

Exploring career options, choosing a major, and making career decisions is a multi-step 鼓励所有学生尽早和经常参与的过程. Goucher students 有各种各样的资源可以通过 Majors and Career page to assist them in this process.

Job Search

云顶集团教育为学生准备今天的就业市场和未来. Students 能透过网站寻找工作机会及查阅求职资源吗 CEO Job Search page.

Graduate & Professional School

Students access resources for searching and applying to graduate and professional school through the 首席执行官研究生和专业学校页面, through faculty and staff members, or utilizing their own resources, network and tools.


Goucher College and Johns Hopkins Carey Business School are offering Goucher students 学士学位和硕士学位相结合的课程. This 4+1 program combines a bachelor’s degree from Goucher with a master of science degree from Johns Hopkins in business analytics and risk management, information systems, health care 管理、财务或市场营销. 学生可以在大三的时候申请. GRE or GMAT tests have been waived but applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25分或以上,通过部分定量推理课程,成绩为 B or better.


Alumni SpotlightChevron iconKam Lamhaouar ’16

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Kam Lamhaouar ’16

“The Chemistry Program prepared me for the school or work track, and I’m still in touch with professors now. 有这样的支持系统真好.”

Read My Story